Sunday, March 20, 2011

Treasure Seeker - Once Upon a Thread

I'm not sure how this happened! I left this book out of my earlier post of selections for Once Upon a Thread! I must have been completely insane...or maybe just sleep-deprived:)

We first introduced this book to Belle on a trip to the beach when I was pregnant with Bee (7 months pregnant + bathing suit = really scary vacation pictures!). She fell in love with it instantly!

The basic idea of the story is that the boy is bored because no one in his family will play with him at the beach. So when a band of pirates offer to take him on a treasure hunt, he decides to go along. At first, he is in love with the life of a pirate, but when he discovers that pirates don't read bedtime stories, it starts to lose its appeal.

The language, illustrations, and plot are lively and fun! It's a must-read for summer...or for any land-lubber with a pirate's spirit.

So, in honor of pirate adventures...a treasure bag with built-in treasure map:)

I used my friend, Courtney's, drawstring bag tutorial...and she isn't kidding when she says it's the easiest one ever! I really wish I had seen this before I made a gazillion treat bags for Bee's birthday. But, you can bet that I'll be smarter for Belle's birthday coming up in a few weeks!

And then a little DMC perle (I told you I was obsessed!) in black for the route and red for the X. I think you can probably see the stitches in the took about 5 minutes. I didn't even bother to draw out the design. I just started in one spot and worked my way around until I felt like it looked right.

Now if I could just convince Belle to have a pirate themed birthday party:)

1 comment:

  1. We had a pirate party for the Elf when he was.. five? His grandmother got him the book Pirates Don't Change Diapers (by the same authors) just before he bacame a big brother for the first time. I didn't realize there were other pirate books by them out there. Now I simply must acquire them. (:
