Anyway, save your pennies and make sure some of these are in your little one's stocking (oops...wrong month)!
You can find them at most mass market and craft stores or here.
And look at what they can do! Belle has a seriously light touch so most of the time she ends up with super pale drawings...not with these! We have a stack of about 30 different drawings on the counter because she loved drawing with them so much. I didn't think anyone else would want to try to decipher the subjects of the entire stack (ok - grandparents excluded), so just the October themed ones made the cut...hope the subtitles are helpful:)
Pirate Dinosaur (see...he has a tail!)

Witch on a Broom

Pumpkins and Ghosts

Great art work, Belle. Looks like she may have inherited some of her mama's talent. Nana